Theoretical and practical teaching
More than 150 workshop-seminars in 27 countries around the world: Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Mexico, Croatia, Lebanon etc.
All the courses you will find are the result of years of experience and research. As didactic coordinator and passionate about these issues, I wanted to share some of those most difficult and little used aspects to help colleagues offer a 360 ° teaching. The approach is both theoretical and practical. Each theoretical part is followed by a practice. We will address theoretical issues, but there will also be the space necessary for laboratory activities with feedback and a final comparison.
Are you a school? A language teacher? A teacher who would like to expand their knowledge of remote teaching and want to discover useful tools to teach online too?
Each of the workshop-seminars can be held in Italian, Spanish, English and Portuguese e .
I have held more than 150 training courses for teachers of Italian for foreigners in Italy and around the world (click here to find out where).
In my workshop-seminars I propose the use of poetry in teaching, semiotic Testology for the programming and selection of texts, but also basic training courses for novice teachers who want to start working online or in the classroom. I am co-author of the manual Al Dente 4 of the Casa delle Lingua Edizioni and I held various training webinars, also on topics related to Italian culture.
From 2019 I've carried on the project + WOMEN (to participate write to progettopiudonne@gmail.com ) that has already involved a large group of passionate teachers. I try to propose activities about great women of Italian history to encourage greater attention to the question of gender in the planning of didactic activities and on the use of language. The activities are posted for free on our blog along with a teacher's guide.
SEMINARS - WORKSHOP (click and find out what the seminar is about)
New Professors: basic training course
for novice teachers
The teacher training course I did with Daniele Donati gave me a 360 ° view of this profession. I learned to respect the rhythms of the students, to help them overcome obstacles and also to organize and plan my lessons in a more creative way. It helped me a lot and today I feel calmer and more prepared to teach. I will always carry Daniel's teachings with me.
Roberto Maschio, Porto Alegre

Do you start teaching this language that you know and love so much? Do you want to try to teach it and would you like to learn how to organize your lessons , know the manuals , create your own activities , work online or face to face?
This is the course for you! Because it is complete, customized for your needs . I will also follow you as a tutor and coach in your lessons to give you feedback and help you develop and consolidate your teaching skills.
What are you waiting for?
DAD: distance learning
and new software to learn
The world of teaching and learning has changed. Especially with the pandemic, the practice of online has developed a lot. Is it so easy to go from the classroom or the whiteboard to the computer? What are the criticalities of this modality?
In addition to many weaknesses there are also many resources that make the practice fun and engaging for students. Do you want to learn about new ICT (technologies for teaching)? Do you want to start giving online lessons not only in language, but also in other subjects and you want to make them creative and fun? This is the course for you.

PJ - Professor Jockey: semiotic textology for the selection of texts and didactic programming
This seminar-laboratory touches on many issues: didactic planning , the choice of texts , activities , evaluation , types of errors and many other important aspects for effective teaching.
Thanks to this seminar you will be able to organize your lessons without following the index of a manual, and you will be able to select the activities and topics based on the preferences and aptitudes of your individual student or class. I will present you a simplified version of Semiotic Testology that allows you to analyze texts and conversations both from the point of view of forms and meaning, giving you the most effective tools to become a good PJ , a professor who, like the DJ knows how to choose the music to make people dance, chooses the best materials and activities to help his students learn .
Eco-sustainable teaching: teach ecology in Italian courses

Ecology is a complex science and as such it is not easy to use. The aim of this webinar is to help disseminate ecology issues to L2/LS Italian students, promoting a constructive discussion.Why sustainable education?This subject, which involves everyone, is the main protagonist of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in 2015 by 193 UN member countries. THEn an educational environment that keeps pace with the times, a new didactic model is needed: from environmental education to sustainable development.
What do I find in this seminar?
Sources where you can find information on this topic and ideas for creating your own activities for both online and face-to-face lessons.
Course program
Here is everything you need to start using ecology activities in your Italian courses:
Why use the theme of ecology
Ecology as a micro and macro topic
Where to find useful information on this social issue
Analysis and examples of teaching activities for all levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2)
How to create lesson activities
Teaching is also educating
The 2030 agenda
Task overview and possible use
Laboratory ​
During the course the participants are followed and motivated in reaching their awareness of the topics covered in the program. This course also includes some learning activities that you can reuse with your students.
Thoughts and words: poetry in teaching
of Italian for foreigners
Webinar House of Languages - Poetry in teaching Italian L2 / LS
This is the first seminar I created. I am very keen to share with you the ways in which it is possible to propose literary and poetic texts in the classroom , even with beginner levels.
My passion for writing and my participation in numerous creative writing meetings inspired me tremendously and when I started teaching one of the first questions I faced was "how can I use poetry with beginners." ? After this seminar you will know many poems to use and you too will start proposing more poetry in the classroom. You can view an abridged version of the seminar in the video above.
Text and images: to understand,
communicate and have fun
Introductory video with many artists of illustration, comics and murals
The panorama of contemporary Italian artists who deserve to be known is wide. This video was used in the 5th National Conference of Italian Teachers in Australia , XX Week of the Italian Language in the World. My seminar "Text and images to understand, communicate and have fun" wants to offer the faculty an important list of artists who can inspire your didactic proposals to spread the art of illustration, comics and murals.
Through this path we will analyze different educational paths with images, you will meet many good Italian illustrators and cartoonists and you will be able to draw on fresh and very beautiful materials, with which you can stimulate your learners.
Project + WOMEN: educating women
Project presentation
I conceived this project in 2019 and involved a group of over 50 Italian teachers for foreigners to participate. One goal is to propose a reflection on the gender issue by offering free educational materials on great women of Italian history to anyone who teaches and to the most curious and passionate students.
If you want to download the activities and want to know more about the project write me at Progettoopiudonne@gmail.com or go to the blog and find the activity you like best and download it:
Follow the project also on social networks!